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Archive | March, 2021

Add This Simple Line to Every Email You Send to Earn Thousands in Extra Income

This is truly old school and yet most marketers never do this. In fact, it can add several hundred dollars or more to your bottom line each and every month. And all it takes is a line or two of text in your emails.

AddThis Simple Line to Every Email You Send to Earn Thousands in ExtraIncome

What is it?

The signature line.

Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list. This can be to one of your flagship products, such as your coaching program or a high-end course.

Yes, it sounds almost too simple, doesn’t it?

You probably won’t get a lot of clicks on this link for a couple of reasons: They’ve already clicked on the main link higher up in the email. Or your list goes ‘ad blind’ because they keep seeing this same line over and over again.

This is why you want to promote a flagship product with a fairly high price tag. For example, if you have a $500 coaching program and you only get one sale that month from your signature line, that’s still $500 profit. And it’s even more if it’s monthly billing.

You can change the line from time to time to keep it fresh.

Frankly, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on this. Just write your line, add it to your footer and forget about it for a couple of weeks until you change it.

And then see what happens. It could add thousands to your bottom line each year.

Find Your Most Profitable Price in 24 Hours

If you charge $47 for a product, will you make more than if you charge $27? Think about it… It’s not just the price that matters, it’s also the conversion rate.

FindYour Most Profitable Price in 24 Hours

If $27 converts at nearly twice or better the rate of $47, then $27 is a better price point for you. But what if you charge $37? Maybe $37 will turn out to be the winner, but you won’t know unless you test. Plus if you have any cost to fulfillment, such as if you’re providing services, then you will need to factor that in as well.

It gets complicated real fast, doesn’t it?

But years ago I heard about the magic of the ‘100 prospect test’. The theory goes that if you send 100 people to your page, you can assess the results.

Not believing this myself, I tested a squeeze page with 100 visitors and 1,000 visitors. And wouldn’t you know it? The conversion rate on the first 100 was nearly identical to the 1,000. Since then I’ve been testing a lot of things with just 100 people, and that includes pricing.

In the above example, you could send 100 people to the $27 price point, 100 to the $37 and 100 to the $47. You can buy the traffic from a solo ad or Facebook or any method you choose. Just make sure you use the exact same method for all three.

Compare and see which price point is the most profitable. If it’s $27, then you might do another test at $17. And if it’s $47, you might do another test at $67. In 24 hours you can know for a fact – without guessing – which price point will make you the most money.

If you think about a campaign that you run for the next six months, even a small increase in your income can add up to very big money. Which is to say, don’t guess. Instead, test and know for certain. Remember and use the ‘100 prospect test’ on your next campaign.

Why You Should Email Your List Every Day

I’m not sure why I’m still getting pushback on how often to email your list. My answer is daily, or even more often if you’ve got a good reason. But a lot of marketers out there ‘know’ that the ‘rule’ is to email 3 times per week. Except… it’s not.

WhyYou Should Email Your List Every Day

Picture your favorite sexy movie star, whoever that might be. Imagine that every day that sexy movie star emails you a new picture of themselves – naked.

Would you think they are mailing too often? Doubtful. I’m going to guess you would be eagerly anticipating that next email and opening it with delight.

Disclaimer: Do NOT send your list naked pictures of yourself. That was just to prove the point that if your emails are interesting enough, people will welcome them every day.

If your emails contain tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers or hot stock picks, will they get opened? You bet.

But if your emails are lame, boring or worse, then what happens? People say you’re emailing too often because they aren’t interested in what you’re sending them. Think about how to make your email content more like a hot stock pick or a naked movie star, and less about boring stuff no one cares about. Then you can email as often as you like.

As always, learn to live with unsubscribes because you’re going to get people unsubscribing no matter how frequently or infrequently you mail. Don’t worry about it.

And one more thing… if you’re still skeptical about the value of emailing every day, do this test: Take a look at how much you earned from your list in the last 30 days. Now email daily for the next 30 days and compare totals. You’ll notice a big difference.

Customers buy when they are ready. Thinking you can send one or two emails and get all the potential sales out there is naïve at best. You’ve got to keep reminding them of why they want to buy and do it in a way that makes them want to read your emails.

Tall order, right? But you know your niche and you know what makes them tick and what best grabs their interest. Now use that special insider knowledge and email your list something engaging every single day!

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