Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | October, 2022

How to Increase Your Profits Right Now

Dan Kennedy tells the story of one of his clients who ran an introduction agency for divorced American men to meet foreign brides. (This was during the pre-internet days.)

How to Increase Your Profits Right Now

Dan persuaded his client to raise his price from $395 to $3,995. (Not a typo – he multiplied his price by 10.)

Would you like to guess what happened to sales?

Believe it or not, they stayed THE SAME. But of course the owner made a LOT more money – ten times as much, to be exact.

Most marketers look at what their competition is charging, and they charge about the same. But what they don’t realize is their competitors probably did the same thing.

There’s a pizza place in a major city that has probably 100 competitors. Yet this pizza place outsells all of them, and does it without offering coupons or special deals, either.

How do they do it? Positioning. They claim to be a ‘gourmet’ establishment, and they charge more than any of their competitors.

Sometimes you just need to establish yourself as the premium option to set yourself apart. Other times you might need to add something to your product or service, such as personal involvement, to make it exclusive.

If you’re competing on price alone, you’re never going to do well. But if you can reposition your offer so that you can charge more – maybe even twice as much or five times as much – then you become the gold standard that people want.

10 Places To Find A Great Idea For Your Next Info Product

Are you stuck for ideas? Maybe you’re not sure what niche you want to go into next, or you’ve got the niche but you don’t know what your next product should be. Here are 10 ideas to get you started…

10Places To Find A Great Idea For Your Next Info Product

1. Use Your Job Experience. Do you have a particular skill, expertise or career experience that people would pay to learn more about? Maybe you’ve managed and led corporate teams to accomplish extraordinary things. Or maybe you were the best chef in the city. Whatever your job experience, there might be people out there who would gladly pay to benefit from it.

2. Teach Something. If there is a topic you want to know more about, there is no faster way to become an expert than to teach it. You’ll find you learn 10 times faster when you’re teaching others, and you can do the teaching right over the Internet via webinar, podcasts or even by email. Once you’ve finished teaching your course, turn your outline and content into an info product, and add the recordings to it for an easy $97 or $197 product.

3. Take Courses. If you’re looking for fresh ideas, take a course in your niche and use it as a jumping off point to create your own product.

4. Use Your Life Experience. Did you successfully get your children through the terrible 2’s or the dreaded teenage years? Do you have some great advice to offer other parents? Then you’ve got the makings of a product. Did you lose weight? Did you get in shape? Did you go from deep debt to deep pockets? Life experience can be used to create hot selling products, and because you’ve lived the information, it’s really easy to impart it to others.

5. Write About a Process. Perhaps you built an electrical business from the ground up, or you bought a business and turned it from a losing proposition into a money maker. Or maybe you perfected a process for turning iron into gold. Whatever the process, there is a good chance others are more than happy to learn from your mistakes and take advantage of the many shortcuts you can show them.

6. Write About Your Hobby. If you’ve got a hobby you love, odds are there are others who love it as well. Do you collect baseball cards? Do you paint? Do you collect old books? Whatever it is, find a way to use your knowledge to help others with the same interest.

7. Compile Anecdotes or Stories. Choose a common theme, and then compile stories that follow that theme. Think “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and you’ll know what I mean. If you’re using other people’s stories, be sure to get permission. This can be a super fast way to create a product or a book; simply write the intro, choose a catchy title, and compile the stories.

8. Find a Need and Fill It. Ask your readers and customers what they want to know, and create a product that fills that need. For example, one lawyer kept hearing from his business clients that they wished they had an easy reference for business law basics so they wouldn’t have to call the lawyer with every question they had. He wrote the product and sold thousands of copies.

9. Narrow Your Niche. Maybe you’ve already got a topic for your next product, but there are too many competitors selling the same topic. Narrow the focus of your topic so that your angle is different from all the other products. For example, you want to write a book on growing roses, but there are hundreds of books out there already on that topic. Narrow your focus to growing roses on a patio (for apartment dwellers) or growing roses in harsh northern climates and you’ve probably got a winner.

10. Keep Your Eyes Open and Your Brain Active. Watch for things that spark your interest and ask lots of questions and you’ll find topics everywhere – you just need to learn to spot them. For example, when you’re having a conversation or listening to the radio, ask yourself “Where is the product in this?” You’ll be surprised by the variety of answers you get – oftentimes they’re things you normally never would have thought of.

13 Ways To Increase Your Click Throughs

You spend an hour writing a great email and no one clicks the link. Or you create an ad of some sort (banner, Adwords, blurb for your website, etc.) and no one clicks. Now what?

13Ways To Increase Your Click Throughs

Here are 13 ways to make your ads and your emails generate more click throughs…

1. Ask for the click. Tell the reader to “click here to continue” or “click here to get the details.”

2. Offer something for free on the other side. If they know they’re going to get useful information for free, rather than simply hitting a sales letter, they’re more likely to click. (You can, of course, include great info right inside your sales letter.)

3. Make it easy to visualize what they’ll see. When someone goes into a restaurant for the very first time, they may experience a bit of trepidation because they don’t know what to expect. But when they’ve been there before, they’re much more comfortable because they already know what they’ll see, what the place is like and so forth.

Ads and emails act as the doorways to your restaurant, or in this case the page you want your prospects to go to. The more you can help them visualize what’s on the other side of that door and look forward to experiencing it, the more likely they are to click your link.

4. Describe what’s on the other side of the click. ‘Blind clicks’ (those ads that don’t give you a clue what’s on the other side of the click) don’t do as well as ads and emails that make it quite clear what the reader can expect on the next page.

5. Display a picture of the benefit of clicking. Are you going to show them the secret to roses the size of dinner plates? Show them a photo of exactly that.

6. If you are offering a freebie on the other side (such as an ebook for joining your list) make sure the freebie has a great title that both entices and implies real value. “Free Dating eBook” won’t cut it – “22 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Get Dates With Gorgeous Women” will.

7. If appropriate and your email is in html, try placing a ‘coupon’ within the email. Or try placing a coupon border around the ad. These dashed lines attract attention and imply savings, thereby stimulating response.

8. Talk about the value and benefits of what’s on the other side of the click.

9. Put a benefit in your ad’s headline or email’s subject line. “How to solve your low conversion problem.”

10. Ask a provocative question, such as “Are you tired of fighting with your spouse?”

11. Ask an informational type of question. People want to know the answer to questions, so ask them something, such as “How do you put the love back into your marriage?”

12. Be direct. If you’ve got a great offer for them, don’t beat around the bush, just come straight out of the gate with it. “12 miniature roses for just $32, shipping included.”

13. Give them useful information. For example, your subject line might be, “7 Ways to Eradicate Mold.” Then inside your email you give them the first 6, with the seventh one being your link to your product. If it’s an ad, then the link goes to the list of 7, with the seventh one linking to your product.

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