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Here’s how to get a 50% Facebook Reach vs the Usual 5-10%

There’s a free and open source software – called OBS Studio or Open Broadcaster Software – that can do remarkable things for your business.

Here’s how to get a 50% Facebook Reach vs the Usual 5-10%

For example…

  • You can live stream from your desktop to YouTube. You’ll rank better than standard YouTube uploads, plus you’ll experience a better quality than Hangouts on Air
  • You can record your videos for later playback
  • You can do live webinars (think of the cost savings here!)
  • You can do live broadcasts with Facebook, getting a much stronger reach than traditional methods
  • You can stream pre-recorded videos to Facebook and YouTube

For a Facebook Live Post, the number of page likes is your total possible audience for a live post.

Multiply that by 25%, and that’s generally going to be your total reach when doing a live post, versus the standard 5-10% for a text and or image post.

Then, you click the “Boost Post” button, and you can DOUBLE your reach. So we’re talking about reaching about HALF of your potential audience, instead of the usual 5-10%.

Plus you’ve got to realize that a live recording is going to make a much bigger impression, or have a bigger impact than a simple text or picture ever could.

It’s the difference between receiving a postcard, versus someone knocking on your door and saying hello.

You can download OBS Studio at obsproject.com

So what features will you find on OBS Studio?

Tons. For example:

Picture in picture. You might show your desktop while simultaneously showing yourself on the webcam. Move your picture within a picture anyplace you like (bottom right, top left, center, etc.)

This is a great feature for Facebook, since on Facebook your video might look like a still photo until someone clicks on it.

With the picture within a picture, Facebook users can see that there is a live person talking, which will encourage them to click on the play button and hear the audio.

Livestream a pre-recorded video – injecting a video right into your screen.

Let’s say you’re streaming yourself introducing the video, then you can play the video and when it’s done you can switch back to yourself, or a still image, or whatever you like.

You can use different sources for your video. For example, you can show your desktop (your entire monitor) or window capture (shows just one window).

If you have other people speaking on your live event, you’ll want to enable desktop audio so they can be heard.

If it’s just you speaking, then you can enable the mic in auxiliary.

Adjust the volume levels to equalize the other voices with yours.

You can create a test page on Facebook to play with live broadcasts to test your video and audio settings, to learn what you’re doing before you do it for a live audience.

Here are more features straight from the OBS Project website:

  • High performance real time video/audio capturing and mixing, with unlimited scenes you can switch between seamlessly via custom transitions.
  • Filters for video sources such as image masking, color correction, chroma/color keying, and more.
  • Intuitive audio mixer with per-source filters such as noise gate, noise suppression, and gain. Take full control with VST plugin support.
  • Powerful and easy to use configuration options. Add new Sources, duplicate existing ones, and adjust their properties effortlessly.
  • Streamlined Settings panel for quickly configuring your broadcasts and recordings. Switch between different profiles with ease.
  • Multiple themes available to fit your environment.

Live Streaming to Facebook

Doing a live broadcast from your Facebook Page is pretty simple:

  • First, login to your Facebook page, click on “publishing tools” in the upper right corner. Click on “videos” and go to “Plus Live.”
  • Copy the stream key, and paste it into the OBS Settings. Select Facebook, paste, click okay and you’re good to go.
  • Click the preview button to see if everything is good. Under, “What’s on your mind,” you’ll place your call to action and link.
  • Then fill in the video title and video tags.
  • In OBS, click the ‘start streaming’ button – you are now streaming live.
  • When you’re done, click ‘stop streaming’ in OBS.

Easy, right?

If you’re not already using OBS, give it a try today. You’d be surprised how many six and seven figure marketers are already using it.

And to make it even better…

Cranking Up Your Presentation with Eyeball Glue

Okay, everyone has seen a screen capture video, and they’ve seen talking heads, and they’ve seen talking heads inside a screen capture.

Which is to say, OBS is great, but so far we haven’t used it in a way that really captures those eyeballs and glues them to the page.

For this, we need to add another tool to our arsenal – eQuil SmartPen 2.

Remember sitting in class and your professor was droning on and on about…

…well, you probably don’t remember because it got kind of boring.

But then he got out his marker and started to draw on the board as he was speaking, and all of a sudden you sat up in your chair and PAID ATTENTION.

Why was that?

Probably because you were being visually stimulated. What would he draw next? Why did he just draw that stick figure? What’s with the drawing of a cat in a beaker? And so forth.

You got interested.

And your audience is no different. Screen capture, unless you’re doing something really exciting, can be – let’s be honest – somewhat boring.

But everyone loves to watch somebody draw, even if they’re terrible at drawing. It’s fun to figure out what they’re drawing and how it relates to what they’re saying.

And with the eQuil Smart Marker, you can do just that.


The pen uses real ink, and you write on paper just as you normally would.

But everything is recorded electronically, too. So if you’re writing or drawing during your broadcast, then your viewers can see it on the screen.

Or you can record your sketching and writing ahead of time and play it during your live broadcast.

In either case, you’ve just opened up a can of eyeball glue that will flat out work.

I saw this demonstrated at an event I was at and it blew me away. I didn’t want to stop watching.

And by the way, it’s got other great uses, too.

You can capture your thoughts in a natural way through your writing and drawing.

You can convert your handwriting and notes to text you can edit.

You can easily share your notes, since Equil works on all devices.

You can select from a range of colors and pen tips, and add photos to enhance your notes.

Your only limit is your imagination.

Now then, I suppose I’ve sounded like a commercial for both OBS and the Equil pen.

But check them out and I think you’ll agree they are both ‘must have’ tools for your online business by helping you grow your reach and engagement with your audience.

10 Tips to Testimonials that SELL

Do you know what an ego booster testimonial is?

10 Tips to Testimonials that SELL

It goes something like this: “Joe Smith is the greatest, nicest, smartest, sweetest, sexiest, gutsiest, tallest, handsomest guy I know – buy his stuff!”

It sounds good to Joe Smith. Heck, it sounds AMAZING to Joe Smith.

But does it sell his stuff?

Generally, no. Prospects read testimonials like that either think they’re written by a friend, or they simply have nothing to do with the product at hand.

So how do you write a great testimonial?

Here are 10 tips:

Use ego booster testimonials sparingly.

If they’re the only ones you have right now, then they’ll have to do for now. But work on getting better testimonials that actually convert.

Focus on results-based testimonials, like this one:

“After using the xyz product, my conversions increased by 4% and my overall sales increased by $32,958 in three months.”

Your audience is going to be putting themselves in the shoes of this person, and thinking they can get results like that, too. Which is exactly what you want, by the way.

Got plain text testimonials? Add photos.

A photo of a face – regardless of how pretty or not pretty it might be, can increase the likelihood of your testimonial being read by as much as 80%.

Plus, it adds credibility that your testimonial is real.

Use big numbers.

If you’ve got a testimonial that uses numbers, then feature those numbers as a big, bold headline. For example:


Additional Visitors




More Income

“After implementing just one traffic technique that Josh taught me, I got 32,955 more visitors in one month, three times as many conversions, and made an extra $26,598 for the month.”

Add headers and footers to your video testimonials.

Video testimonials are great, but… not everyone watches them. And of those who do watch, not everyone watches the whole thing.

So here’s what you can do to make sure people get the most important point out of the video… place that point above the video itself. For example, “I didn’t have a clue how to get started, but thanks to XYZ program I can now get almost any page to rank in Google.”

Then at the bottom of the video, you might give more information, such as, “George was struggling to rank his pages, but then he took the XYZ course and followed the simple steps. See how he did it here ->”

That last bit can be a link to a sales page or blog post, unless of course this testimonial is already on a sales page.

Place links in any testimonial not on the sales page.

If your testimonials aren’t on a sales page, then link at the bottom of the testimonial to a page that gives samples, and write something like this: “Click to see a sample of what Joe is talking about ->”

Use your Amazon 5 star ratings.

If your book – or any of your products – are on Amazon, then use your 5 star ratings and reviews on your sales pages as well.

For example, you might have a Kindle book on how to get traffic, and you sell an entire course on traffic, too. Don’t be afraid to use your 5 star reviews for your book on your course sales page.

Be sure to emphasize that while the book has great info and awesome reviews, your course has ten times as much info as the book.

Use product pictures from your customers.

If your customers have sent you pictures of them using your product, then by all means place these photos on your sales page.

Prospects love to see customers using and loving your product because it makes them feel better about buying it themselves.

Compare your product to others.

Comparison reviews can work great if you’re in a competitive market, especially if you create a chart comparing the features and ratings of your product versus others.

Then again, if you’re in a market where buyers are unlikely to know about the other product unless you tell them, you might want to forgo this one.

Don’t forget screenshot testimonials.

Your customers might have great things to say about you on social media or through text messages. Simply take screenshots of these compliments and post them as testimonials.

Every time you see something positive about you and your products, take a screenshot and save it to a folder just for that purpose.

To take a screenshot on Windows, press the PrtScn button. Or to capture just the active or foremost window, press Alt+PrtScn.

On a Mac, press Shift-Command-4.

But how do you get all these testimonials?


Send out a survey to each of your product buyers to see what they thought. When you get back positive responses, ask if you can use them as testimonials.

You might need to condense what they say – simply rewrite it without changing the meaning and get their okay on it.

For the really enthusiastic customers, ask if they will do a recording for you.

Testimonials aren’t hard but there is an art to them.

And you have to continually be seeking out new testimonials to add to your site, to keep things fresh and current.

It’s worth the effort – testimonials almost invariably boost sales, so that testimonial you’re adding today could result in an extra sale a month, or even per week!

3 Marketing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way (You Can Make a Fortune with These)!

You can take an awful lot of those “how to market online” courses and sometimes still not learn the truly groundbreaking stuff.

3 Marketing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

I’m talking about the seemingly unimportant things that turn out to be so important, it’s like a scene in one of those adventure movies:

The hero fights through obstacle after obstacle to get to this secret cave that hasn’t been entered in a century.

He pries open the heavy door, sweeps away several inches of cobwebs, and by the light of his torch he sees something shiny. He picks it up… it’s a gold coin! Nice, but not that earth-shattering, right? It’s just one coin…

Taking a step forward, he sees a small chest. Opening it, he sees a couple hundred gold coins. Yeah! This is pretty cool.

But then he catches just a glimmer of something deeper in the cave. Opening the door wider to let light in, he sees more gold. And priceless statues. And gemstones. And… the treasures go back as far as the eye can see.

Holy cow. That one gold coin turned out to be the beginning of more wealth than the GDP of most countries.

Well that’s how I feel about what I’m going to teach you here. To the uninitiated eye, these three lessons might seem small, like a single coin.

And they might almost appear trivial. But I promise you, if you follow this advice, your online income can become almost limitless.

And by the way, some people have paid literally thousands of dollars to discover what I’m about to show you:

Marketing Lesson #1: Make an irresistible offer

You’ve heard the term irresistible offer before, but what does it mean?

First, it’s an offer that’s better than anything your competition has.

Second, it’s so good that’s it’s truly hard to pass up.

For example, if I were to sell you a brand new car for $1,000, that’s an irresistible offer.

Most marketers have trouble getting their marketing to covert because they’re offering the same stuff as everyone else. Yes, they try to make it sexy, but it isn’t.

You can dress a pig up in a lovely, low-cut evening gown, or even a tiny bikini and high heels. But it’s still a pig.

(Not trying to pick on pigs here, btw – I think they’re kinda cute and definitely smart.)

You can have weak marketing and a great offer and make it work.

But great marketing will never compensate for a weak offer.

If you don’t have the right offer, then it doesn’t matter how great the copy is, what the headline is, who is promoting it and so forth.

If you want to make sales, you’ve got to have an absolutely superior, irresistible offer that the prospect simply cannot turn down.

And you’ve got to back the offer up with a product that delivers, too. I’ve seen offers that blew me away, but once I got into the product, I realized it was 80% hype and 20% substance.

As you might have guessed, I asked for a refund – as did close to 50% of their purchasers.

So make them an offer they cannot refuse, and then deliver on every promise you make.

Do this and you cannot help but make a fortune.

Marketing Lesson #2: You’ve got to have a big marketing idea.

Just having a bigger promise or using a hyped headline isn’t going to work anymore.

If you’re going to be seen and heard by your prospects, you’ve got to cut right through all the shouting online and present something brand new.

Think of it this way: A regular marketing idea is doing what’s already been done, except maybe it’s 10% bigger or 10% better.

That used to work, but these days it just blends with everything else.

But a big marketing idea is something new, something revolutionary. It could be an entirely new approach, a new way of looking at something or a new way of doing something.

Take cars for example. A regular marketing idea is to make a car 10% more gas efficient, or 10% sleeker/bigger/smaller/curvier/boxier etc.

If you think about it, most of the cars today just sort of blend. They look a lot alike, work a lot alike… it’s always been like that.

Then there’s Tesla. Put a Tesla side by side with any other car, and you’ll notice a difference. Talk about how a Tesla runs, and it’s revolutionary.

Don’t let your idea be the latest model of Ford or Chevy.

Make it a Tesla.

Give your prospects a feeling of discovery, of something completely new that gives them an AHA! Moment.

Offer them hope that this is finally THE solution they have been searching for.

It’s powerful, indeed.

Marketing Lesson #3: Customer acquisition is simply about good math.

I know you keep hearing about free traffic. But free traffic isn’t free; it costs you time and work. And more time. And more work.

If you want to make serious money, then you’ve got to learn some math and be willing to invest some money to make that money.

Online marketing in the six and seven figure range is all about buying new customers – not hoping they eventually find you on their own.

Buying new customers is how you grow big and fast.

Think of customer acquisition as an investment.

You’re investing in the acquisition of assets — customers.

And to do this wisely… like the best marketers in the world… you need to know some numbers.

For example, one of the absolute most valuable marketing numbers for you to understand and use is the Maximum Allowable Acquisition Cost (MAAC).

MAAC tells you the most you can pay to get a new customer.

And to know your MAAC, you also need to know the lifetime value of your customer. Which in the beginning is hard, so do this instead – know the 3 month value of your customers.

How much do they spend with you in 3 months? Whatever that number is, you need to spend less than that to get a new customer.

Most entrepreneurs and marketers don’t know their MAAC or their customer’s lifetime value.

Of if they do know the numbers, they don’t use them to determine their traffic generation budgets.

But if you want to earn six or seven figures a year, you’ve got to know and USE this stuff.

Once you know these numbers, you’ve got to focus on increasing the value of your customer, so you can increase your MAAC, so you can get more customers.

Very few average entrepreneurs and marketers understand this, but now you do.

So, did I just hand you three gold coins?

Or a vast and unending treasure trove?

That’s up to you and what you do with this information.

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