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Is Your Thank You Page Hurting Your Business?

Here’s 6.5 Ways to Fix It

Someone joins your list and what do they see?

Is Your Thank You Page Hurting Your Business?

“You are subscribed. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking this link. Thank you.”

Wow! That really built some rapport, now didn’t it! I tell you, I am so fired up about being on another list that I could just… well… actually I’m not, and I think I will unsubscribe. Thank you.

If the above example is anything like your thank you page, then you’re blowing it.

Your thank you page is an excellent place to build rapport and get your new subscriber to become even more invested in your budding relationship.

With that in mind, here are 6.5 ideas of what you can do with your thank you page that won’t have new subscribers turning away in boredom, annoyance or revulsion:

1. Learn more about your new subscriber

They just gave you their email address and maybe their name – now ask something that will help you with your marketing and show that you are interested in them.

Examples are:

    What do they most want to learn about ___?
    What is their number one goal?
    What is the biggest challenge they face right now?

2. Get more shares and more subscribers

    Ask them to invite their friends through social media to get your incentive or lead magnet.

    In return, you’ll reward them with something even better than the initial offer that made them sign up in the first place.

3. Build authority and credibility

    Demonstrate that they made a wise decision in joining your list by showing the previous reviews and testimonials from your biggest fans.

4. Sell the lead magnet – again

    Done correctly, your lead magnet is an excellent representation of your expertise. But it won’t do your new subscribers any good if they don’t consume it. So remind them of what they’re about to discover by using short, snappy bullets like this:

    “Congrats on getting your copy of “Hidden Traffic Strategies.”

    You can download it from the link below.

    When you do, you’ll discover:

    The toilet paper method to getting traffic on demand – page 6
    The annoying email that doubles referrals – page 12
    The surprising way to triple your traffic every week, like clockwork – page 15

5. Send them to your blog

    Or send them to your most popular video. Or…

    The key here is to get them invested in you, so they can begin using what you teach to get real results in their life. When they do, they’ll be back for more.

6. Promote something

    Make them an offer they can’t refuse. This is an especially great time to offer that year old $197 course of yours for, “Just $11, One Time Only, Grab it Now.”

    Build the value as though you are selling it for $197, and they will buy it.

    When they do, you have something much more important than $11 – you have gotten them to become your customer, your buyer, and potentially a raving fan who promotes you on social media and buys everything you offer.

    Or at least purchases a product now and then.

6.5. Add the secret sauce

    Regardless of which of the above six possibilities you use on your thank you page, I would encourage you to also show your personality.

    If it fits you and your business, inject some humor. Use a funny photo or cartoon to express just how appreciative you are that they subscribed.

    Use your own photo to build rapport. Make it look amazing and memorable with the help of a graphic artist.

Remember, your thank you page is prime real estate for building rapport, so don’t blow it.

Do You Have Successive Approximations?


Got Any Successive Approximations?

Ever notice how the various professions create new terms to try to make us feel stupid?

I hope you don’t do that to your readers. And if you catch me doing it, slap me. Please.

Now then… a “successive approximation” is a rather silly term for a psychological trigger that you, as a marketer, really should know…

Because it can put money in your pocket.

Here’s what it is in a nutshell:

Once someone has performed an action – no matter how small – they’re more likely to continue performing additional actions that are in line with the first action.

In fact, they might even feel obligated to go along with larger requests.

So when someone has just given you their email address on your squeeze page, they are more likely to buy your $7 ebook than someone who hasn’t given their email address.

And when that person buys your $7 ebook, they are more likely to buy your $47 product, as so forth.

That first act of giving their email address creates a bond between them and you, and they feel obligated to continue taking action.

As marketers, we call this the ‘foot in the door approach.’

And it’s why we don’t start out selling $1,997 courses to strangers.

The takeaway: Keep this rule in mind for all of your marketing, not just sales funnels.

Getting people to take a small action such as sharing your post, liking your picture, replying to your tweet, filling out your survey and so forth is your foot in the door.

Now your job is to keep asking and let your prospects and customers keep saying yes.

How to Increase ‘Subscribes’ and Open Rates with One Word

Instead of using the phrase, “mailing list,” use “alert” instead.


Do people want to join your mailing list?

Not really.

But do they want to be alerted to the latest news, products and so forth?

You bet!

So instead of asking people to subscribe to your list… (yawn)

…ask them if they want to be alerted to breaking news and products (wow!)

Then send them a daily email with the latest news and yes, the latest PRODUCTS.

Your subscribe rate will be higher…

…your open rate will be higher…

…and your unsubscribe rate will be lower, too.

Alert your audience to whats HOT, and what’s working now, and your opt-in rate and subscriber loyalty will increase significantly.

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