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Top 10 Life-Changing, Profit-Boosting Internet Marketing Quotes Of All Time

I recently stumbled upon a blog I highly recommend you visit anytime you need a recharge, called https://www.wakeupcloud.com. It’s written by Henri Junttila, and frankly it’s a much needed breath of fresh air in the field of positive self-change.

Top 10

One of his blog posts is his own personal compilation of “77 Great Quotes That Will Change Your Life,” and within that post I discovered 10 quotes that are especially relevant to our chosen field of Internet Marketing. I offer them here, along with my personal thoughts. Enjoy!

If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.

– John Maxwell

Every first step you take in your Internet marketing career – be it setting up a website, making a blog post, creating a product, doing a launch and so forth – will take you out of your comfort zone. Relish the experience because it means that you are growing, that you are succeeding, that you are LIVING.

If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.

– Win Borden

Time and time again I see new marketers who are waiting for just the right time to launch a product, just the right moment when they know everything to start a website, just the right alignment of the planets to build a membership site. You’ll never know everything you need to know – so just take action.

It’s like riding a bull – you don’t know how he’ll try to buck you off, so get on, hang tough, and enjoy the ride. Afterward you’ll bask in the glory of your success and plan your next conquest, while those who were too timid will forever wait for the “perfect” time.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

– Jim Rohn

Many people start things in Internet Marketing, but few finish. They start a blog, write a half dozen posts and then quit. They begin creating a product, get halfway finished and then set it aside to go do something else. Others don’t even get started because they’re too busy bouncing from one idea to the next, never settling on one long enough to begin, much less seeing it through to completion.

So get started, and then keep going. Each day do something – anything that moves you forward. I don’t care if it’s late at night and you’re dead tired – if you haven’t moved your business forward today, then DO SOMETHING before you fall asleep. This habit will be the one that propels you beyond the finish line and into the waiting arms of triumph. Remember: If you fail to persist, then you fail.

Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.

– Petryl Hsieh

New marketers doubt their ability, doubt their market, doubt their systems and even doubt their own minds. They doubt their ability to sell, their ability to communicate and I suspect their ability to get out of bed and take action. Result? They buy more ebooks on how to market. They do more reading, more research and more learning, thinking this will remove the doubt and replace it with unbridled confidence.

Reality check – this NEVER works. The ONLY thing that removes doubt and instills confidence is ACTION. All the knowledge, learning and theory in the world cannot erase doubt because it is only through action that anything real is achieved. And without achievement, there is no sense of self worth, and without self worth there is no confidence – only doubt.

Here’s an example taken to the ridiculous: A new, intelligent marketer studies how to make a product that everyone will adore. He studies the other products in his market, he studies the market itself, and he works for years at devising the perfect product, which of course has evolved over and over again to adapt to the ever changing market.

While this is going on, a not-so-bright marketer finds a question on a forum about a problem someone has, creates a 20 page report that holds a solution to that problem, and sells it for $7. He sells a couple of hundred copies, which means he now has a list of buyers, $1,400 or so in cash and some real world experience in marketing.

The not-so-bright marketer isn’t smart enough to know that $1,400 isn’t a fantastic start. After all, don’t those guru websites say you should be making $30,000 your first month? But this guy isn’t bright, so he duplicates his efforts and creates more products to sell. Some of these products bomb terribly, some of them do well, and eventually after taking one action after another after another, he has a thriving business and a six figure income.

If only he had been smart enough to know that you cannot create a new product until you know everything there is to know about making and marketing the product, he would surely have been all the wiser and very much the poorer, just like our “intelligent” marketer who knew better.

Too silly? Not really – I see this happen all the time.

That some achieve great success is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.

– Abraham Lincoln

Really, what more is there to say? You’ve seen other marketers go from homeless or jobless to six figures. This doesn’t make them super smart, super special or even super nice. What it does make them is super confident that they can grow their businesses even bigger, larger and more profitable if they choose to – or they can work less and be content with six figures, which is still plenty enough to take tropical vacations and look good in a new car every couple of years.

And since they’re not super smart, special or gifted, this should ring one thing loud and clear in your mind and heart – if they can do it, YOU can do it. Period. You might want to make that your mantra – “If They Can Do It, You Can Do It.” Say it a hundred times a day if that’s what it takes to embed it so deep within yourself that you believe it with every fiber of your being. Because you know what? It’s a Fact. Pure and simple. If they can do it, YOU can do it.

Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.

– Robert Louis Stevenson

Funny thing about Internet marketing – there are no prerequisites like there are for being a doctor or a lawyer. No one is going to ask for your credentials before they allow you to become successful. So whether you’re a corporate CEO who just got downsized, or someone who’s living in his car, it just doesn’t matter. Begin where you are right now, with whatever talents you already possess, and build on what you’ve got.

Fall seven times, Stand up eight.

– Japanese Proverb

The bad news is, you’re going to screw up. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to have days that make you wonder if you should quit. That’s okay. Pick yourself up one more time, dust yourself off, have a laugh at the situation, and keep going.

When I was new I asked a big time guru to promote one of my products for me. Much to my shock he said yes, and he emailed his entire list. He sent so much traffic to my website that my server crashed within minutes. Can you imagine how mad he was that I hadn’t prepared for the avalanche of traffic he sent me?

I got my website back up within 2 hours and offered him numerous humble apologies, but he never mailed for me again. Some might have thrown in the towel at that point – heaven knows the thought occurred to me. But I pressed on, and in the grand scheme of things that seemingly horrible, tragic day was but a tiny blip on the screen of life.

What if I hadn’t gotten back up? Then you wouldn’t be reading these words right now, and I’d be back where I was, wondering what would have happened if only I’d persevered and kept going.

The path to success is to take massive, determined action.

– Tony Robbins

Sure, you can set up a website and hope someday someone comes along and buys your product. Or you can take massive, determined action to drive hordes of traffic to your site. You can hide in the shadows, or you can build a name for yourself and a brand that is recognized the world over. You can write content to try to please everyone, thereby pleasing no one, or you can take a stand and thus stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Taking action is not enough to ensure your success – you must take real, decisive action on a large scale to win the day. Yes it’s scary – but it’s that leap of faith that can produce remarkable results in a very short amount of time.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other

– Abraham Lincoln

There will be those who tell you that you can’t. That you will fail. That it’s a dumb idea, that you don’t know what you’re doing, that if it were possible, everyone would be doing it. Believe me, there are a thousand ways people can tell you they don’t believe in you, but there is only one person’s opinion that matters – yours. Resolve to succeed and hold fast to that resolution no matter what happens, and it will simply be a matter of time before you persevere and win the day.

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

– Muhammed Ali

Remember, courage is not the absence of fear – courage is action in the face of fear. Whatever your fears might be, simply acknowledge them and then move past them. Do not dwell on them, do not make them larger than life, and never allow them to cause you future regret for your inaction.

Fear is almost always an illusion, a simple trick of the mind with no basis in reality. Unless your life is in immediate and real danger, fear is a cosmic hoax perpetrated by the primitive part of your brain that couldn’t distinguish an ebook from a duck. All it knows is survival, and really – how many people have died from building websites, creating products or hitting the send button on their email program?

The brilliant thing about Internet Marketing is that there is very little risk other than your time. There’s no remortgaging your home to buy web hosting and there’s no chance of building a website so shoddy it collapses and crushes you to death.

Yet time and again I see people held prisoner by their fear, and nothing makes fear stronger than a lack of action. So anytime you feel fear tingling your spine, take swift, decisive action and you’ll be pleasantly shocked at how fast and how far fear retreats back into the shadows.

Bottom Line? By now you should have noticed one major theme running through all of these quotes. If you haven’t, then I encourage you to go back and figure out what it is, because when you do, success can be yours faster than you ever imagined possible.

If You Want to Capture Your Reader’s Attention…

There was once a very sexy commercial on television with the line, “If you want to capture someone’s attention, whisper.” Of course it showed a beautiful woman whispering into a man’s ear – and it was also false advertising. Can you guess why?

If You Want to Capture Your Reader's Attention...

Because it wasn’t the whispering that was capturing attention – it was the pretty lady. Why is it that sex will capture attention every time, and what (surprisingly) works just as well as sex at pasting your prospect’s eyeballs to your website? Here’s what I’ve learned:

Humans have 3 brains in one – the analytical, thinking brain; the emotional brain; and the primitive, reptilian brain. It’s that primitive brain that cares about one thing – survival. Its job is to constantly monitor the environment for 3 things: Anything it can eat, anything it can have sex with, and anything that will hurt or kill it. That’s it. It’s a non-stop monitoring system for survival of the individual and the species, and because it’s simple, it’s also brain dead easy to capture its attention.

Simply use images or word pictures that bring thoughts of sex, food or danger and your prospect cannot immediately look away. Yes, it’s that simple. If you have a picture of an accident on your site, people will stop and look. They HAVE to. It’s no different than when they’re driving by a car accident: They’re unable to keep themselves from slowing down and looking to see the danger. That’s also why so many movie scenes involve chases, danger and violence – Hollywood knows you simply cannot flip the channel when it’s catering to your primitive brain.

Next time you want to rivet your reader to your sales page, see if you can add in some sexy elements, or some food, or even a sense of danger. They won’t know why they can’t tear their eyes away, nor will they care. They will, however, think their intense interest in your page must have something to do with the contents, and thus they will be more inclined to linger and possibly take the action you desire. Become irresistible to your readers – try catering to their primitive brain as well as their emotional and analytical brains and see what happens.

4 Ways to Steal Traffic

No worries – this is completely honest and ethical, and it’s a great way to begin sending free traffic to your new website.

4 Ways to Steal Traffic

Diverting traffic from other websites is one of the easiest methods of gaining free traffic. Ideally, you’ll want to “steal” this traffic from high traffic websites, because the more traffic your target sites get, the more traffic you can siphon off and send to your own site.

1. Look for high traffic forums and blogs that are directly related to your own niche. Ideally you want forums and blogs that have high traffic and also allow you to place a link to your website in every post you make, either in your signature file or in a clickable link.

Now then, you want to make as many intelligent posts as possible – thereby sharing your link several times or more – and do it in as little time as possible. The goal here is not to spend all day making forum posts, but rather to get in, make your posts and get out so that you have time to take care of other tasks related to your business.

Set a timer and search for specific posts that you can quickly reply to. For example, if your topic is SEO, search out the SEO threads rather than trying to answer a thread on content creation. You want to give short, concise, intelligent and helpful answers.

2. When your timer goes off, don’t close the forums. Instead, reset the timer because this time you’re going to create your own posts on these same forums. Search the forum for a thread that was super popular a few months ago, and start a new thread on a similar topic, only with your personal spin on it. This should get the posts responses piling up fast and furious, and will give your signature file plenty of views.

Be sure to check back on the threads you started at least once per day to answer some of the responses you received. If you continue posting daily in forums and on popular blogs, you should get a steady stream of people visiting your site. And while they may not be coming in droves, the ones that do show up are highly targeted and ripe for adding to your email list. Be sure to capture as many of them as you can by offering great content and a juicy reward for joining your list.

3. BONUS: If your niche is non-marketing related, find active posters on blogs and ask them to place your link in their signature file for a month for a fee – perhaps $25. They’re already posting, so it’s no extra effort for them and it’s great targeted traffic for you.

4. ADVANCED: Hire someone to post for you. If you outsource to the Philippines, for example, you can get someone to post on forums and blogs for you every day at a very reasonable rate. Not only does this free up your time, but because this is all they do, they can make far more posts than you ever could. One note: Until you are fully confident in their abilities, do not let them start forum threads in your name.

There you have it…

4 ways to “steal traffic”, and grow your online business; all without breaking the bank! 😉

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