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How to Write for SEO Without Going Crazy

When you’re struggling to write your latest blogpost, you probably don’t want to have to worry about SEO, too.

How to Write for SEO Without Going Crazy

There is one theory that says you shouldn’t. After all, if you start focusing on SEO, then you won’t be writing the best content possible for your audience.

But is it really and either/or type of situation? It would be nice to get free Google traffic from your articles and blogposts without going crazy about how to structure your writing, what to add and what to leave out.

With that in mind, here are a few tips from the pros on how to do exactly that:

1: Your Writing Needs to Be Excellent

The content should be unique, high quality and written to professional standards.

Do this, and Google will likely reward you.

If any part of you is interested in buying those spun articles that were prevalent years ago – don’t even think about it. Don’t even consider using them simply to pad out your website – Google will look for them, Google will find them, and Google will penalize you for them.

(This sounds like a Liam Neeson movie…)

2: Longer is Not Necessarily Better

One popular strategy is to write a longer, more in-depth piece than anyone else. But it’s never that simple.

If you look at the webpages that have you beat in the SERPs right now, you can see for yourself how good they are and how long they are. But are they well-written? Do they answer the questions that customers are having? And do they understand what searchers are looking for?

You might be able to beat them by being more succinct and to the point. If you can convey the information in fewer words without losing anything, then do it. Any searcher will tell you they’re after the info, not a super long article because they have nothing better to do with their day.

That said, don’t write short just for the sake of fitting onto a mobile screen. Shortchanging your reader isn’t going to cut it, so remember to tell the whole story.

3: Write for People, Not Bots

True, your grammar and style should be the best. If it’s not, get yourself an editor who knows what s/he’s doing – it will pay dividends in the long run.

When you’re writing, ask yourself who your audience is and what is their pain. If you can put yourself in their shoes, you can write a better piece that your audience loves.

4: Use Good Copywriting Principles

For example, write an attention-grabbing headline that is based on your best keyword phrase.

Use subheads to keep your reader involved.

Write in short paragraphs and short sentences.

Do your editing days after you do your writing – you’ll be surprised how much better you can make your writing if you wait awhile.

And get someone else to read your work – they’ll spot mistakes you missed.

5: Key Phrases 2018

Yes, these are still alive and well, thank you. But their use in digital marketing today has changed somewhat.

When you’re doing your keyword research, focus on your audience. How big is your audience, where are they, what do you know about their demographics and what should your content be about?

Get the answers right and you’ll know how to write your copy.

Don’t write according to something Yoast SEO tells you. Millions of people are already doing this.
Instead, write according to the rules and advice here. And write for PEOPLE, not SEO plugins. You should start seeing better results.

6: User Experience Still Counts

An enjoyable read is a much better experience for your audience than some dry as dirt academic paper.

Likewise, having a page that’s easy to read and understand is crucial, too.

Make your headline big, your sub-headlines clear and easy to understand, and make sure your content is easy to navigate.

Bottom Line: Write with your READER in mind, not the search bots, and you’ll likely do fine (actually, much better).

Case Study: $5,000 Per Month and FREE List of Buyers

A friend of mine has been doing this for years, yet he’s the only one I’ve heard of doing it.

Case Study: $5,000/MO and FREE List of Buyers

Frankly, I think there is a ton of room here for more people to do the same thing, and maybe even in different niches, too.

In my friend’s case, he noticed a lot of these online memberships in the IM niche all had one thing in common: Regardless of what they were teaching, they all had to teach the basics, as well.

So if they were teaching how to do newsletters, or set up sales funnels, or how to blog, or whatever… they also had to teach how to setup a website, get hosting, use an autoresponder and so forth.

And it’s a real pain for these membership site owners to do this.

Not only do they have to make a big set of videos, but then they have to keep them updated as well.

Each time something changed – like Aweber added more features, or Hostgator changed things – the videos need to be updated. If they’re not, the members will flood the help desk with questions and frankly be unhappy.

My friend thought, ‘Why not help all of these membership site owners?’ So he created a membership FOR membership sites.

Yeah, pretty ingenious, I thought.

He creates all of these videos on how to do the basics of online marketing, and he keeps them up to date, too.

Then he sells access to his site to IM membership site owners. He charges a flat fee based on the number of subscribers, but he could also charge per member.

I think the flat fee might be easier to calculate each month, though, since it won’t always be radically changing.

He charges one price for 50 members or less, a bigger price for 50 to 100 members, a bigger price for 100 to 200 members, and the largest price for any amount of members over 200.

Of course, you can charge whatever you like, or make it flat fee for every membership site owner.

Now when someone joins any of those sites, they also get access to my friend’s site, too.

From the first month on, my friend was pulling in over $5,000 a month doing this. And once it’s set up, it’s simply a matter of updating videos when needed.

I think this model could work in a lot of other areas, as well.

For example, in the online marketing niche, memberships sites for social media, driving traffic and building funnels could all work.

You could also build sites in the health and self-improvements arenas, as well.

The membership site owners feature this extra membership they give to their members as a bonus, and it really helps with their sales, too.

Imagine someone is selling a diet program, and as a bonus they give a free membership to a comprehensive health site or exercise site or recipe site.

Or imagine someone is selling a meditation program, and as a bonus they give a free membership to a self-improvement site.

The possibilities are huge.

The membership site owners LOVE this because they don’t need to create nearly as much content, and they get higher conversion rates.

Their customers love this, because they get 2 memberships for the price of one.

And I haven’t even covered the best part yet… to access my friend’s basic online marketing site, every member has to register their email address to get the passcode.

This means my friend is automatically building a list of BUYERS for free. This alone is probably making him MORE money than selling the memberships to membership site owners.

Of course, my friend is very careful not to abuse the trust of his main customers, the membership site owners.

That’s why he sends out only great info to his lists, as well as promoting his customers other products to his lists, too.

For example, he gets new subscribers from Alex’s membership program, and then promotes Bob’s product to Alex’s customers, and Alex’s product to Bob’s customers. Not the membership sites, but related products.

He’s very up front about this, and his membership site owners love it because they get more sales, too.

This is a truly win, win, win idea that can be used in many different niches. And as far as I know, very few people are doing it yet.

Re-Target Your Niche to Maximize Profits

When you enter online marketing, you’re told to pick a niche.

Re-Target Your Niche to Maximize Profits

And you’re told that health, wealth and relationships are the big three. Pick a subniche in any of these, and you’ll likely do well.

But what if you want to do better than “well?” What if you want to dominate your market?

The first people into the big three markets had it easy, since there was ton of demand and very little competition.

Those who followed had it tougher.

And today, while the demand is still there, the competition can be brutal.


Unless you continue to niche it down.

Markets (heath, wealth, relationships) are saturated.

Sub-markets (weight loss, forex, dating) are saturated.

Which is why you’ve got to specialize even further.

Study the competition and the processes they use, and then create your own market.

Here’s how:

1: Audience and Slogan

Your first step is to choose your audience and then target them with the right slogan – a slogan that promotes change.

If you look at recent American presidential campaigns, you’ll notice a trend:

George Bush Sr’s slogan – “A Proud Tradition”


Bill Clinton’s slogan, “Time to Change America”

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